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Selectmen Minutes 04/08/2010

Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – April 8, 2010 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Minutes:  Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order:  Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
6:15 – Monadnock Mountaineers Ted Jarest & Cheryl Jessie – Mr. Jarest started the meeting by stating the meeting is result of a letter the Mountaineers received from the Selectboard.  Jarest stated he would like to discuss a few topics with the Board.
·       Last year – As far as Mountaineers have been informed, the concerns of last year were acceptable.  The Mountaineers are starting this season on a good note.  Selectmen agreed with this statement.
·       Town Meeting – The Mountaineers had originally thought they were going to Town Meeting, then the Selectboard decided not to put their contract on the warrant.  After Town Meeting reading the local paper, the Mountaineers were discussed at the Greenfield Town Meeting.   Jarest stated this was a little disconcerting; the Mountaineers and their reputation are important to the Monadnock Mountaineers organization.   They would have preferred to have been at Town Meeting if it was going to be discussed.  Wondered if it was an emotional discussion or what type of discussion was it.  It didn’t accomplish any good public relations for the Mountaineers.
Adams stated he would take the responsibility for Town Meeting; there was no intention to create a negative tone for the Mountaineers.  Adams further commented the Selectboard are still supportive and excited for the Mountaineers to be in Greenfield.  The concerns were un-validated as far as Adams believes.
Kullgren also stated he would take responsibility as he opened the discussion. Kullgren indicated he would support the Mountaineers at a Town Meeting and opened the discussion.  Kullgren admittedly made the straw pull comment, quickly being shut down by resident Bob Marshall.  Kullgren apologized for this and indicated he is supportive of the Mountaineers.  If the Mountaineers are tarnished due to the Selectboard, Kullgren stated he sincerely apologizes.
Jarest stated he and the Board of the Mountaineers want to stay on a positive track.
·       Field Goals – Jarest asked two questions:  Regarding the improvements on the field, the field goals would remain mobile if the Mountaineers are not able to be at Oak Park full-time.  The question for the Board is if the Mountaineers leave are the goals Town of Greenfield or Mountaineers.  The Mountaineers understood if they left they were the Mountaineers, as they are mobile.  
Kullgren commented they are multi-purpose units; the intention of the Town is not to keep the field goals if the Mountaineers leave.  However, the soccer goals must remain town property.
Jarest clarified the uprights & the backs of the goals are town property.  The crossbars and upright verticals are the Mountaineers.  It was a cost of approximately $1,700.00 to put the uprights and cross bars in.  
Soccer goals remain the Towns.

·       2010 improvements – Jarest indicated the Mountaineers would like to fill in the holes in the field and seed them.  They would like to investigate a little additional parking.  They tried to monitor the parking in 2009.  They would like to clear an area and add approximately 10 additional parking spaces.  They already have the approval from the State.  Further discussion that the hillside has lots of rocks, they would like to clean that up, as it is a safety issue.    Bleaches need repairs.  Selectmen will get Matt Blanchard to look at what is needed to repair the bleaches.
Action:  Bleaches repair. Parking area for 8-10 cars.  Fill in holes, seed and spruce up the hillside.  Rental application will be submitted to Cheryl Jessie from Deb Davidson.
Day discussed removing some trees at the end of the track, which may fit 8-10 cars.
Rental fee will be $1,700.00 and they submit the invoices for any repairs.  Adjustments will be made if necessary.
Resident, Kent Vincent was present and on behalf of David Gilmore & Nori Odoi discussed concerns they have.  Vincent alleged that there are several residents that are upset about the Mountaineers.  
Adams indicated then the residents should come forward to the Selectboard if they are upset.
Vincent asked for the 2009 compensation to the Town of Greenfield from the Mountaineers is placed into the minutes.
Jarest addressed Mr. Vincent, Jarest stated the noise was monitored per the Town of Greenfield Zoning Ordinance and met the criteria.  Jarest commented it was actually far below the ordinance requirements.
6:45 – Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center (CMRC) – Don Shumway & Mike Therrian – Mr. Shumway & Mr. Therrian were present to discuss the contract with regards to the Adult Day Care Center.
Mr. Shumway stated he was glad they were reviewing the combination of operations.  CMRC has been reviewing the renovations and the contract.   In the best of public interest they would like to revisit the contract.  Shumway stated that from the standpoint of Crotched Mountain, everything is great.  The old town office building is a wonderful location for the vocational training that they need.  Renovations have made the building a much nicer building.  The value of the property has improved greatly.
Adams commented CMRC has saved the building.
Shumway stated they would like to continue using the building.
Adams discussed year to year vs. multi –year contracts. Shumway indicated CMRC would like to continue to use the building.  

The financials that Mr. Therrian had provided to the town were discussed.  The lease will be set up from March to March and in 2011go before the town, allowing the voters to determine the time frame for a new lease.
Discussed cooperatively investigating heating fuel & electricity in efforts to reduce costs.
Adams discussed the insurance costs for the property liability. This will be noted in the new lease.
The term of the lease was discussed as was the lease being reviewed by Town Counsel. Terms of a lease were discussed.  Shumway would like to commit to at least the remaining 6 years; this is partially due to the grant requirements.  They are not necessarily looking for anything more than a year-to-year lease.  
 Action: Town Office will draft the preliminary document.

Administrative Assistant, Davidson asked about the State and Tribal Grant (STAG) – Shumway indicated they would provide all documentation regarding public hearings etc.  Davidson mentioned the requirement that no funds can be written to anyone but vendors is clearly written in the agreement, Davidson also mentioned that no funds can go through general funds, they funds must stay in grant account.
Discussion regarding co-operatively utilizing power followed.  No decisions were made.
Gil Morris was present and wanted to let the Selectboard know he has been contacted via e-mail, someone was inquiring about landing aircraft in residential areas.  Morris let this resident know of the Town, State and Federal rules and regulations.
7:15 – Diane Boilard – Gardens Committee & Energy Committee
·       Garden Committee - Ms. Boilard discussed the success of the 2009 Community Garden.  Due to wildlife eating the vegetation, they would like to install a fence with the grant funds they have received.  She has contacted Code Officer, Peter Hopkins who indicated there is no need to worry about a permit for a fence if it is for agricultural purposes.  They are trying to locate an invisible fence.  The Selectboard approved this request.
Boilard discussed the Garden Committee is expanding the garden for those in need, with the help of Davidson they will reach out to people in need.   Utilizing children that need community service to maintain a bed for those who may need help (elderly, disabled etc.) was discussed.
The Committee would like to establish some fruit trees and bushes such as blueberries etc. they would be on the sides, leaving the field accessible for other uses.  Educating people of different gardening techniques is also a desire of the program.
·       Energy Committee – The Meetinghouse heating costs were discussed.  Energy grants were discussed.
Boilard asked if any property was available to be used as community energy development such as wind and/or another sources of energy.  Discussion followed.  No decisions were made.
John Hopkins – not on the agenda – Hopkins discussed property located near the Town owned property near the Greenvale property.  The property discussed is currently owned by Maurice Bowes, identified as R7-38.  The property is currently under current use.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the April 1, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes.    
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
·       A/P checks
·       A/P invoices
·       Current use – 1 new application R6-8-4, 1 recreational adjustment R6-8
·       Vacation request – Selectmen approved vacation time for Matt Blanchard
·       Sub-recipient Agreement  - Selectmen signed a sub-recipient agreement for Crotched Mountain authorizing the Town of Greenfield to be the recipients of the 2006 CDBG funds.  This is a close out document.

New business:
·       Mail – Miscellaneous mail was reviewed.
·       Painting – Davidson explained April 1st new lead laws went into place.  As a result of the new law, the correctional facility cannot allow their men to do any preparation for painting.  The Town must have a certified lead paint person remove the paint.
Selectmen would like the bid broken into two sections; scraping & painting and possibly having the painting completed by the correctional men.
·       Perambulation – The perambulation between the towns of Lyndeborough & Greenfield is scheduled for Saturday, April 24th at 8:00 am.  Greenfield Selectmen to meet the Lyndeborough Selectmen at the Lyndeborough Town Office.
·       Abatement – Plowshare – R9-72-2 – Tabled until 4/22/2010.
·       American Tank – Leak Monitoring Test was performed Thursday, April 8, 2010.
·       Fire Alarm Panel - Monadnock Security installed the new panel Thursday, April 8, 2010.
·       Silver Star Banner Day – Selectmen signed a proclamation recognizing all veterans who have been wounded in the war.  May 1st will be recognized as Silver Star Banner Day.
·       Town Seal – A representative for Mr. Davenport, Delay’s Harvester, who would like to use the Town Seal and place it in his oversized window sent the central office an e-mail.  The Administrative Assistant was asked to investigate who actually created the Town Seal.  Selectmen approved Mr. Davenport using this at this time.
·       Light at Police Department – Selectmen discussed a concern that this light is left on for extended, unnecessary amounts of time.  Administrative Assistant was instructed to have Matt Blanchard install a sensor so it shuts on/off automatically.
·       Timber Tax Selectmen reviewed a Timber Tax warning from the State to Zachary Lavoie.
·       Tax Deeded property – Selectmen discussed how the sale of a tax deeded property affects the tax rate and/or fund balance.  Where does overlay come from.
·       Employee Reviews – Day stated she would like to begin employee reviews.
Selectmen entered into a non-public meeting.
Adjournment:   With no further business the Selectmen’s Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm